
Aarde en milieu
Redactie Earth Matters
Agenda 2030 | Zeventien misleidende doelstelingen

(Earth Matters | Hugo van den Berg) Al gehoord van de ‘Global Goals’, oftewel Agenda 2030? In deze ‘Universele Agenda voor de mensheid’, zoals het door de Verenigde Naties is bestempeld, zijn zeventien wereldwijde doelstellingen vastgesteld over hoe de wereld eruit zal zien over vijftien jaar. Vrijwel ieder land op

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Zelfvoorziend leven
Redactie Earth Matters
These foods magically regrow themselves from kitchen scraps

(True Activist) Don’t throw your scraps away – grow them and save on grocery costs! Seeking to cut grocery costs but still desire to get healthy? Look no further than the following infographic produced in partnership by Whole Foods and Cooking Stoned TV. Below, you’ll learn about the many foods

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Mind control
Redactie Earth Matters
Nanoparticles enable remote control brains via magnetic field

(Zen Gardner | Nicholas West) A couple of years ago, a story emerged about scientists working on “Smart Dust”: nanoparticles that could be employed as sensor networks for a range of security and environmental applications. This was followed by the more literal version of Smart Dust, which was designed to open

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Zelfvoorziend leven
Redactie Earth Matters
Zes eetbare bodembedekkers voor in de tuin

(Happy News) Onze voorliefde voor een mooie gazon is ietwat in tegenstrijd met onze inspanning voor water– en energiebehoud in onze tuin alsook onze wens om meer zelfvoorzienend te zijn wat betreft het voedsel en de kruiden die we eten. Door te kiezen voor eetbare bodembedekkers – ter vervanging van

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Zelfvoorziend leven
Redactie Earth Matters
How our family went off-grid

(Collective Evolution | Chris Bell)  So what exactly changes when you up and walk away from the only way of living you’ve ever known? When your 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home on 800 square metres (a 5th of an acre) of land is exchanged for a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom

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Zelfvoorziend leven
Redactie Earth Matters
This greenhouse makes it possible to grow crops in the desert

(Higher Perspective) Roots Up, a non-profit organization, has developed a greenhouse capable of harnessing the dew and moisture from the outside environment in order to water the plants within. This greenhouse could revolutionize farming in desert and arid climates, where crops are currently unable to grow. The design is explained

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