How did deep mind control programms make their way into education systems worldwide?

(Bases) Cara is an ex producer for The Peoples Voice, and co author of Dangerous Imagination Silent Assimilation. the Sun Thief, and her first book Consolata’s Companion. Here she discusses the murder of her mother, who was an editor for a fact sheet for US Navy intelligence. (Which is senior service and way above the NSA)
The aspects of the Prussian education system instigating the killing of imagination, and using education to make drone obedient workers and soldiers, who do not question, just obey. this has been rolled out in the global education system,and is being enforecd more rigorously against any children who do not comply. Silent Assimilation.
Cara is speaking at the Bases Project June 20th 2015 conference, in Merlins Mound, Ellis Theatre, Marlborough, Wilts, with her co-author from Germany, Harald Kautz-Vella, who is lecturing on smart dust and the Sentient Fluid.
Cara’s books are available everywhere via or via her shopify channel. In Australia, NZ and Canada it is only available through shopify which is
In this second part we discuss the detail of the books and the actual causal reality we consider as real, and the predator. The aspects of Prussian education, instigated across the world, to make obedient slave drone children, with no imagination, just obedience. Refer to Dangerous Imagination Silent Assimilation.
In this 3rd part, Cara St Louis discusses the shocking display of the Goddess Kali on the Empire State Building, osihoyos and the Kali.
The fae , multiple types of ancient beings, intricate in humanity’s past that in conjunction with efforts by the Predators to break into other universes, using CERN and the Hadron Collider….things are hotting up. Cara is fun to be with.
Source: Bases