Er staat iets GROOTS te gebeuren en de Amerikaanse dominantie staat op het spel

(Redacted) Het Westen wordt wanhopig om de macht vast te houden en zij gebruiken hun proxy-oorlog in Oekraïne om oorlog naar Rusland en heel Europa te brengen. Vrijdag begon de Russische president Poetin een armada van slagschepen richting Cuba te sturen… vlak voor de kust van Florida. Russische oorlogsschepen voeren militaire trainingsoefeningen uit… midden in de achtertuin van de VS.
Hoe kon dit gebeuren?
(Crux) The US will deploy its naval vessels to tail Russian warships and a nuclear-powered submarine expected to arrive in Cuba on June 12. Two US Navy destroyers and two vessels towing sonar equipment behind them are following the Russian submarine, US Officials told CBS News. Meanwhile, another destroyer and a US Coast Guard cutter are reportedly shadowing the rest of the Russian Navy detachment. Cuba’s Foreign Ministry said the Russian warships are expected to stay in the island nation until June 17. The Russian Defence Ministry has yet to comment on the visit. However, in May it announced that a naval detachment headed by the frigate Admiral Gorshkov had set out on a “long-distance expedition.”
(WION) Ascent of the Cold War Russia has alarmed the West by deploying nuclear-capable submarines in America’s backyard in Cuba. This provocative action has heightened tensions drawing parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
En live op 11 juni:
(CBS) U.S. officials say Russia will conduct air and naval exercises in the Caribbean for the first time since 2019. CBS News national security correspondent David Martin has more on the planned exercises expected to last all summer.