Helder: Groene beloften ontdaan van hun propaganda

Wat is de staat van het klimaat nou echt? Gaan we er aan of valt het allemaal vreselijk mee? De oplossingen van de overheden en industrie – waar Urgenda, Greenpeace en Mileudefensie zich soms ook achter scharen – worden hier glashelder belicht. Investeer deze 20 minuten en je kunt helder door de slimme propaganda heen kijken.
Corporate Europe Observatory’s (CEO) researcher and campaigner Pascoe Sabido answers the most frequently asked questions around #climatechange
Don’t ask Google, ask CEO – Go directly to the answer you want to see here:
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:31 What is the problem with #greenhydrogen?
00:02:10 What is the problem with #carboncapture and storage?
00:03:56 What is the problem with #carbonoffsets?
00:05:12 What is the problem with #netzero?
00:07:10 Why is COP being held in the UAE?
00:09:04 Why are fossil fuel representatives allowed to take part in the climate negotiations?
00:11:16 Why are fossil fuel representatives representatives part of expert groups advising the EU on energy policies?
00:13:50 How was fossil fuel ally Wopke #Hoekstra assigned as the new Climate Commissioner?
00:17:34 How can we stop temperatures from rising above 2 degrees Celcius?
00:21:40 What needs to change?
00:23:33 What can we do?
Credit photo: https://www.npr.org/2021/11/12/1055030272/fossil-fuel-cop26-climate-change-glasgow