Professor Michio Kaku & Ross Coultart interview IN FULL | UFO UAP News

(7NEWS spotlight) The world is continuing to learn more about the UFO UAP phenomenon. Here, veteran investigative journalist Ross Coulthart sits down for an extended interview with renowned quantum physicist Professor Michio Kaku for an eye-opening discussion.

This interview, was recorded in June 2022. Portions of it have aired in our Need To Know documentary, as we all as our UFO UAP special. But this is the first time it has aired, in full.


1:14 Professor Kaku on skeptics

2:31 The US Navy sightings

3:29 Kaku on the burden of proof

5:05 The Congressional UFO UAPl Hearings

6:25 Are UFOs foreign adversaries?

8:00 Could sightings be “ET”?

9:14 What is Kaku hearing about secret government programs?

10:35 Einstein’s theory is tested

13:20 Kaku on Lue Elizondo

15:25 Who is controlling these objects?

19:55 Are we alone in the Universe?

22:50 Why would aliens visit Earth?

25:50 Has Professor Kaku been approached by the government?

29:08 Kaku on the Pentagon’s ‘transparency’

33:35 Is the world ready for full disclosure?

35:28 Warning about optical illusions

38:16 Why is there a cover up?

42:00 The crossover between religion and the phenomenon

43:45 Does the US have recovered alien technology?

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