Categorie: Wetenschap

Redactie Earth Matters

DARPA wants EEG brain readers in every classroom in America

(Activist Post) According to the benevolent and loving Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, “there is a great need for inexpensive and easy to use neural recording devices” aka a cheap EEG brain electrical activity recording smart app “to allow widespread use by schools and average citizens” because “having EEGs in

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Redactie Earth Matters

Agenda 2030 | Zeventien misleidende doelstelingen

(Earth Matters | Hugo van den Berg) Al gehoord van de ‘Global Goals’, oftewel Agenda 2030? In deze ‘Universele Agenda voor de mensheid’, zoals het door de Verenigde Naties is bestempeld, zijn zeventien wereldwijde doelstellingen vastgesteld over hoe de wereld eruit zal zien over vijftien jaar. Vrijwel ieder land op

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Redactie Earth Matters

Nanoparticles enable remote control brains via magnetic field

(Zen Gardner | Nicholas West) A couple of years ago, a story emerged about scientists working on “Smart Dust”: nanoparticles that could be employed as sensor networks for a range of security and environmental applications. This was followed by the more literal version of Smart Dust, which was designed to open

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