Urban abundance a 1/2-acre urban property transformed into organic veggie gardens
(Collective Evolution | Andrew Martin) In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast off the coast of the United States. This had unforeseen and radical consequences on the price of food. Around 2,900 oil rigs were shut down, disrupting 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico —

Facebook and Google use casino-style brain manipulation tactics to ADDICT users to their mobile apps
(Natural News) If you’re someone who ‘can’t live without’ social media or know someone like that, there is science behind the addiction, and while sinister, most people who can’t stop checking Facebook or Google have no idea how they became so hooked. It’s a mind technique the social media giants

Pittige biologische wortelsoep met koriander
(Earth Matters | door Arjan Bos) In het staartje van mijn retreat (ja, de Crowd Powers beginnen straks weer!) wil ik alvast een paar dingen met je delen die in mijn retreat een real treat zijn geweest. Dit is er één van. Als je nog nooit wortelsoep hebt geproefd, dan

TED talk parody shows how easy it is to brainwash us with formulas
(Waking Times | Vic Bishop) Subliminal messages in advertising are but one tool available to public relations and propaganda professionals to manufacture consent, create unanimity, and encourage group-think. The use of formulas, scripts and rehearsals are also integral parts of the production process, and a look at how easily a formula can

Intuition school teaches children to see with their eyes closed
(Collective Evolution | Arjun Walia) Many claim that we are all born with a natural intuitive ability to perceive beyond our known senses, and this notion is well established in the teachings of various ancient texts. While that of course does not alone make something true, we now also have

If doctors acted like yogis – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 48
(Youtube | AwakenWithJP) If doctors acted like yogis, then clearly the broken medical system would be perfect. People would live eternal life spans and get the expert care that they need from the most medically qualified people on Earth, yogis.

The most powerful plant on earth? | The hemp conspiracy | Documentary
(Earth Matters | Agus Judistira) Cannabis is propably the most useful plant in the world. It has about 60.000 uses. There are three main species of Cannabis: Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis. The Sativa species, known as Hemp, is very useful as building material, clothing, food and medicinal use. For clothing,

Conspiracy Guy – Flat Earth
(JoyCamp) JoyCamp is a group of satirists living in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and every dimension you can wormhole to. Specializing in raw satire that tears down the social norms downloaded to the RFID chips lodged in our brains. Like the Robin Hoods of YouTube, JoyCamp goes after the rich:

The Russians prove small scale organic can feed the world
(Waking Times | Christina Sarich) If you’ve already been through an economic collapse, you might know a thing or two about how to feed your family with little money. More importantly, you might know how to do it without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and GMO seed. On a total of about 20