
Redactie Earth Matters
RSA Animate | Changing Education Paradigms

(The RSA) This RSA Animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award. Watch this lecture in full here: http://www.thersa.org/events/video/ar… Source: Youtube The RSA

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Redactie Earth Matters
LA Eco-village | self-reliance in car-free urban homestead

(Fair Companies | Johnny Sanphillippo) In urban Los Angeles, about three miles west of downtown, 500 people live on eleven acres where priority is given to bicycles, fruit trees, greywater, veggie gardens, clotheslines, compost, shared spaces (tool shop, art space, bike shop), micro-businesses, on-site natural food coop and chickens. The

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Redactie Earth Matters
Jeugdbescherming kleunt meestal mis

(Jan Storms) De meeste moeilijke scheidingen zijn geen ‘vechtscheiding’.  Dit is de conclusie van Jan Storms, auteur van het boek Destructieve relaties op de schop – psychopathie herkennen en hanteren, waarvan volgende week de negende druk in een herwerkte en uitgebreide uitgave verschijnt. Het cliché ‘waar twee vechten, hebben twee

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Redactie Earth Matters
Holistic Learning | The greenest school

(Next World TV | Bibi Farber) Here is a school in Bali, Indonesia, designed to have the smallest environmental impact of any school. The structures are made of bamboo, the kids grow food in a permaculture garden, they use composting toilets, and electricity is provided from a hydro electric system.

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Redactie Earth Matters
Net Neutrality | Rap News

(RAP News) Having covered conflicts in distant lands, we now turn our attention to our own native homeland, the Internet; where the battle for the hypersphere has reached new heights, as netizens take up arms against Telcoms and the FCC, to preserve the fundamental ethos that made the Internet what

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Redactie Earth Matters
Israel vs Palestine [RAP NEWS 24]

(The Juice Media) Decades of failed peace talks have led nowhere; but do not lose hope just yet. Join Robert Foster as he attempts to host the first ever Middle East Peace Raps, using rhyme and reason to bring together Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, and a representative of Hamas.

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