Maak je eigen natuurlijke EHBO-doos voor op reis
(Natural News | Willow Tohi | vertaling Joke Lochmans voor Earth Matters) ‘Nog even en het is weer ZOMERVAKANTIE!’ Het is weer de tijd van het jaar dat mensen rusteloos worden en erop uit willen trekken om leuke dingen te gaan doen. Als jij en je vrienden of familie er deze zomer op
Open Source solutions: an open source investigation
(Corbett Report) Do you know how to build your own plastic recycling machines from scratch? Where to download free designs for your 3D printer? Where to find millions of free artworks, books, movies and other cultural resources? Well now you do. Join James and The Corbett Report community as we
DARPA wants EEG brain readers in every classroom in America
(Activist Post) According to the benevolent and loving Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, “there is a great need for inexpensive and easy to use neural recording devices” aka a cheap EEG brain electrical activity recording smart app “to allow widespread use by schools and average citizens” because “having EEGs in
Bases 45 | Cara St Louis Part 1 | Education worldwide is killing imagination
(The Bases Project | Miles Johnston) Cara is an ex producer for The Peoples Voice, and co author of Dangerous Imagination Silent Assimilation. the Sun Thief, and her first book Consolata’s Companion. Here she discusses the murder of her mother, who was an editor for a fact sheet for US
Human Earth Sounds in Georgia’s Got Talent with Genadi Tkachenko
(Earth Matters) This is the sound of earth sang in a way you’ve never heard before. WOW! His Voice will Amaze You. Georgia’s Got Talent Genadi Tkachenko mocking the sounds of the Earth in a brilliant audition. Rather than using his voice to perform impersonations of celebrities or some other
Self-filling water bottle that turns air into drinkable water
(Collective Evolution) The implications of this technology are huge, especially for regions of extreme poverty where people do not have easy access to clean drinking water. It’s a self-filling water bottle that actually turns air into drinkable water by using the condensation of the humidity which is contained in the air.
How did deep mind control programms make their way into education systems worldwide?
(Bases) Cara is an ex producer for The Peoples Voice, and co author of Dangerous Imagination Silent Assimilation. the Sun Thief, and her first book Consolata’s Companion. Here she discusses the murder of her mother, who was an editor for a fact sheet for US Navy intelligence. (Which is senior
Transcript Crowd Power 21 | De aarde en de natuur
(Earth Matters TV | Crowd Power) Onderstaand het gehele transcript van Crowd Power 21 (met dank aan Mareijke Giglio), deze is hier als PDF te downloaden. Alle uitzendingen zijn te bekijken via het Earth Matters YouTube kanaal. Wil je het televisieprogramma Crowd Power bijwonen en de gesprekken aan tafel van
Transcript Crowd Power 20 | Geld, uitwisseling en dankbaarheid
(Earth Matters TV | Crowd Power) Onderstaand het gehele transcript van Crowd Power 20 (met dank aan Mareijke Giglio), deze is hier als PDF te downloaden. Alle uitzendingen zijn te bekijken via het Earth Matters YouTube kanaal. Wil je het televisieprogramma Crowd Power bijwonen en de gesprekken aan tafel van